In this fast-moving thriller, protagonist Caitlin Martel is the recipient of a cryptic message that she initially dismisses as a misdirected threat. But when she finds her house vandalized and a blood-inked message left in her kitchen, she quickly realizes that the threat was not misdirected after all. She really is a target.
She then remembers a secret that her father revealed to her nearly two decades ago. But the secret was incomplete. Now the secret is exploding piece by piece as the threat to Caitlin’s life slowly catches up with her.
The plot twists and turns, keeping you at the edge of your seat trying to discover who the real villain is. And just when you thought you’ve got it all figured out, the next page will prove you wrong, until the climactic ending uncovers a strange alliance between two mortal foes.
The only thing certain in this book is that you’ll keep turning the pages, glued to your seat until the very end. It’s definitely one of the scariest, most thrilling stories we’ve read in 2012.
this book won the 2012 Sharp Writ Book Award in the Mystery/ Thriller category.
(Review by Beatrice Adams)
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