Monday, June 30, 2014

Law Of Attraction Secrets

The book “Law of Attraction Secrets,” by Ben Frank is an excellent read that I suggest for anyone. Whether you are at the bottom of the ladder or on the top, it will help improve your life and help you reach your goals with expedience. It will help your “stinking thinking” and help you to overcome the feeling that your life is the most unfair life out there. This book will teach you the secrets of manifesting and attracting anything that you want through positive thinking. The author gives a concise and easy to understand read that is very well organized. If you have been interested in the law of attraction, this book is a must read!

The basic principle of the law of attraction is that like follows like. If you are negative in thought, bad things will happen life. Whereas if you are positive in life, good things  will happen. Seems like a basic concept to grasp-until the bills pile up, the car breaks down and your job is so stressful you feel that you could burst. This book will help you see the light through this situations and how our thoughts  and reactions in life can help us over come and succeed.

After I read this book I was ready and rearing to overcome my negative thinking. Of course, It is a slow process and I have to keep reminding myself to think positive. It does get easier I promise! It does seem that now that I have removed the blinders to the good around me and I am thinking better, that life is improving! I hope you get as much out of this book that I have!

1 comment:

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