Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Frontier Incursion: Breathtaking and Spirited Sci-Fi for Kids

When I started reading Leonie Rogers’ “Frontier Incursion,” I had no idea I would enjoy the book so much, but I did. The story moved fast, the plot was intriguing, the main character was spirited, and the setting was just breathtaking.
But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Let me give you a very quick summary of the story.
Shanna, the main character, is a new member of this organization called the Scout Corps. The group’s assignment is to learn as much as they can about a planet that their ancestors landed in hundreds of years ago. Now Shanna has this special gift: she is able to train Starcats, a large and majestic cat species that accompanies every scout. When their home planet comes under attack, the Shanna and the other scouts do everything they can to protect their home and drive the invaders away.
As I read the book, I found myself practically gaping at this awesome extraterrestrial world that the author had built. It felt like I was exploring a new planet myself, marveling at all the amazing plants and animals that the author described.
Shanna, the main character, is probably one of the strongest aspects of the book. Readers will find it easy to like her and identify with her. She is gutsy but humble. She faces troubles squarely and never gives up.
For the most part, the plot moved along at a very nice speed. The only thing that interrupted the cadence for me was the short paragraphs that the author would add once in a while to give the reader a glimpse of what the story villains were up to.
Certainly, I can imagine how these little peeks could have been used to make the story more interesting. But I feel they were ineffectively used by the author – they added nothing to the story – and in fact, the story would probably have been better without them.
Nonetheless, this is a minor fault, and “Frontier Incursion” remains exciting and enjoyable despite it. The characters are great, the pace is spot-on, and the plot had me glued to my seat. A sequel? Yes, please.
(Review by Guest blogger: Beatrice Adams)

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